If you have any questions/comments/concerns about DAR related fundraising feel free to contact the DAR team at OhanaDARFTK@gmail.com. We’d be more than happy to chat and help you to get involved with raising money and awareness FTK!

Find out if your company corporate matches:



To access the THONvelope insert click here



Donation Boxes

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Business donors

Almost any business can be a corporate donor. Think about businesses in your hometown that your parents, friends, or neighbors work at. All you have to do is send us some information about the company and we will do the rest! To place a business donor request fill out the form here.

Check here to see if your company will match your donation!

Follow this link to submit Business Donors:


Donor Drive

Click here to download the Ohana Donor Drive template for THON 2019: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EGhsEW8mZ7M8Zm9oEptb0a9FXEIUVo3FqF50TLWrLf4/edit?usp=sharing

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Donor Drive FAQ’s


Q: What is Donor Drive?

A: Donor Drive is THON’s online fundraising platform where organizations and volunteers can raise money for THON. Each organization has their own customized pages and each volunteer also has their own customizable page. These pages can be used to receive online donations and can be shared all over the internet.


Q: What should I put on my Donor Drive page?

A: We highly recommend customizing you DonorDrive page with pictures, videos, and a compelling story (ex. Why you THON). When customizing your page, keep in mind that THON’s page explains THON so you should focus on YOU and the WHY of THON.


Q: Why should I personalize my Donor Drive page?

A: Customized donation pages receive donations that are 67% higher than those from the average, non-personalized donation pages. Customized pages also raise 541% more than the average donation page.


Q: How can I thank my donors?

A: Once receiving a donation, you will receive an email regarding who donated and how much by clicking “view fundraising page” on the email.  On your page, a notification will come on the top right corner and you can see the donation amount.  Once clicking on this, you will be directed to the donations tab.  When you click on the donor’s name, there is a “say thank you” button that you can click. We have created an Ohana general thank you write-up for you to use to thank them for their donation, but customizing the thank you is highly recommended!


Q: What is a Donor Drive email?

A: A fast and easy way to fundraise with Ohana online! It is an email that you can send out to your family and friends via your Donor Drive page. These emails will explain to them what THON and Ohana does as well as provides the link to your personal Donor Drive page. Reach out to your friends and family by sending a donor email! Participants who send emails to their donors increase their fundraising total by over 700%.



Q: How do I send emails via Donor Drive?

A: You can send Donor Drive emails via the ‘Messages’ tab that is in the top right corner of Donor Drive. Here, you can compose your message (which will already be pre-written for you), add the emails of your family and friends, sign your name at the bottom and press send!


Q: How do I make my Donor Drive link less complicated?

A: You can change your donor drive link under settings → page link → customize

           An example of a customized link is

https://thon.donordrive.com/participant/nickcorona instead of https://thon.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=portal.participantSettings&participantID=12068


Q: Can my Donor Drive credit two organizations?

A: You must make two separate donor drive accounts due to crediting purposes for the respective organizations.  The link provided https://thon.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=register.start&eventID=1266

will help you start your donor drive to credit Ohana.  Your other organization will need to send you a link to sign up to have a personal donor drive for their organization.


Q: Is there a deadline to sign up?

A: There is not a deadline, but in order to be involved in our fish family bracket challenge, you will need to make your donor drive to help your fish family win!


Q: Where can I post my Donor Drive to?

A: All social media platforms! Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are popular sites to post on. Some people often post their donor drive link in their bios on social media as well.