
Hello, we are the Dawson family. Tiffany, Jay, Jordan, and Jayden.

Jay (our oldest) was diagnosed with a brain tumor in the left temporal lobe at 15 months old on January 12, 2012. Jay underwent emergency resection surgery the next day at Hershey Medical Center. Every MRI since surgery has been stable and we are so fortunate. Jay still continues to have some effects from the tumor, but very minor considering how much he has been through already in his short life. Our family lives in a small town right outside of Harrisburg, Pa.

I am a 5th grade teacher in the school district where we reside. Jay has twin brothers Jordan and Jayden. Jay is very interested in fire trucks and Spider-Man. Our Jay is very social and loves to be active. Jay just started kindergarten and loves to be around other children his age. Our family is so thankful for Ohana. Everyone has been so welcoming and we are forever grateful. We are so excited and I love seeing the boys’ faces light up every time we come into the BJC!!
